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At just 18-years-old Yolanda Barber stepped on the scales and saw that she tipped over 200 pounds.

She was grossly overweight at 14 stone and knew something had to be done.

Exercise wasn’t her problem, Yolanda was always sporty but she was also a huge binge eater and had no self-control, she confessed.

Now, the 20-year-old Australian has lost almost 50 pounds thanks to an an eight week program.

Yolanda joined a ‘cheap and local gym’ and started to follow fitness expert Chontel Duncan’s nutritional advice uploaded regularly to Instagram and Snapchat.

‘So throughout my uni degree I followed Chontel’s recipes and tips online,’ she said.

Yolanda also began to follow other personal trainers on Snapchat like Australian coach Hannah Dales who posts daily workouts. Yolanda would do the workouts at her local gym.

‘Just by following Chon’s meal prepping and Hannah’s strength trainingworkouts I lost 15 kilos in a matter of months,’ she said.

Yolanda then joined HIIT Australia who devise an eight-week challenge that encourages clients to follow a set structure of nutritional and exercise plans.

She worked really hard at the program saying some weeks she got to the gym 10 times. Yolanda ended up being crowned the ultimate transformation winner with her shocking before and after pictures.

Post-challenge she is now almost 50 pounds lighter at 156 pounds (11 stone). She also has continued her training and exercises 6 days a week.

‘I just have so much more confidence in myself now,’ she said.