Which one you first choose? በቅድሚያ የሚፈልጉት

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

ህወሃት የድርጅቱን አዲስ ፕሬዚዳንት መምረጡ ተሰማ !! ወ/ሮ ፈትለወርቅ

ለድርጅቱ አቶ ዓለም ገብረዋህድ የትግራይ ክልል ፕሬዚዳንት ሆነው መመረጣቸው ተሰማ !!
~[በወንድወሰን ተክሉ]
የገዢው ፓርቲ ኢህአዴግ አስኳል የሆነው የህወሃት ድርጅት በመቀሌ እያካሄደ ካለው ዝግ ስብሰባ ትናንት ከሃላፊነት ካነሳቸው አቶ ዓባይ ወልዱ ምትክ ሁለት ሰዎችን መምረጡን ኢሳት ዘግቧል።
የህወሃት ሊ/መንበርና የትግራይ ክልል ፕሬዚዳንት በነበሩት አቶ ዓባይ ወልዱ ምትክ ወ/ሮ ፈትለወርቅ ገ/እግዚአብሔር የድርጅቱ ሊ/መ ተደርገው ሲመረጡ አቶ ዓለም ገብረዋህድ ደግሞ የትግራይ ክልል ፕሬዚዳንት ሆነው መመረጣቸውን ኢሳት ዘግቧል።
በከፍተኛ ወታደራዊ ጥበቃ ስር እየተካሄደ ያለው የህወሃት ድርጅታዊ ግምገማና ስብሰባ ላይ አዳዲስ ውሳኔዎች እየተላለፉ ሲሆን ስብሰባውን ረግጠው በመውጣትና ተመልሰው በመግባት ዛቻ እንደሰነዘሩ የተወራላቸውን ወ/ሮ አዜብ መስፍን ከድርጅቱ ማእከላዊ ኮሚቴነትና ከኤፈርት ሊ/ነት እንዳነሳም መግለጻችን ይታወሳል።
በከፍተኛ ጥበቃና ወታደራዊ ጥበቃ ስር እየተካሄደ ያለው የህወሃት አመራር ስብሰሰባ ድርጅቱ ካለው ዘጠኝ ፖሊት ቢሮ አባላት መካከል አራቱን ያሰናበተ ሲሆን አንደኛው ብቻ ዶ/ር ቴድሮስ አድሃኖም ለተ.መ.ድ ጤና ድርጅት ዳይሬክተርነት በመመረጣቸው ከፖሊት ቢሮው መልቀቃቸው ተገልጾ በእነዚህ ምትክ አምስት አዳዲስ አባላትን ይመርጣል ተብሎ ይጠበቃል።
ድርጅቱ አቶ ጎበዛይ ወ/አረጋይና ወ/ሮ ቅዱሳን ነጋ የተባሉትን ከማእከላዊ ኮሚቴ አባልነት እንደሚያባርር ተገልጾ ዶ/ር ዓዲስ ባሌማ እና ሌላው አቶ ገብረዋህድ ማስጠነቀቂያ እንደደረሳቸው ተገልጻል።
ህወሃት በከፍተኛ ውስጣዊ ንቅዘት፣ሙስና እና ውስጣዊ መበስበስ የፊጢኝ ተይዞ ወደፊት መራመድ ተስኖታል እየተባለ በሚተችበት ሰዓት ድርጅቱ ለሳምንታት የዘለቀ ዝግ ስብሰባን አንዴ በመቀሌ ሌላ ግዜ ደግሞ በአዲስ አበባ ሲካሄድ እንደቆየ ይታወቃል።
ለድርጅቱ ቅርበት ያላቸው ተንታኞች ድርጅቱ በተፈጥሮዓዊ የእድገት መጨረሻ ላይ ያለ በማለት ይገልጹና በዚህ ደረጃ ላይ ያለ ማንኛውም ሃይል የፈለገውን ያህል ሹም ሽር ቢያደርግ ብርታትና ጥንካሬውን ተጎናጽፎ ተጠናክሮ መውጣት የሚቻለው አይደለም ይላሉ።
የመቀሌው የህወሃት ማእከላዊ ኮሚቴ አባላት ዝግ ስብሰባ ያልተጠናቀቀ ሲሆን በድርጅታዊ ሂስና ግለሂስ እያደረገ እንዳለ

ሼህ መሀመድ አላሙዲንን ጨምሮ ሌሎች የሳውዲ ባለሃብቶችና ልኡላን በዚህ ወር መጨረሻ ሊፈቱ ይችላሉ ተባለ

ትውልደ ኢትዮጵያዊው ሼህ መሀመድ አላሙዲንን ጨምሮ በቁጥጥር ስር የዋሉት የሳውዲ ባለሃብቶችና የልኡላን ቤተሰቦች በዚህ ወር መጨረሻ ሊፈቱ እንደሚችሉ አንድ የሳውዲ ባለስልጣን ገለጹ።
ከታሰሩት ውስጥ 95 በመቶው በድርድር ለመውጣት ፈቃደኛ መሆናቸውንም ቢቢሲ በዘገባው አስፍሯል።
በድርድሩ መሰረትም የተወሰነውን የሃብታቸውን መጠን ወደ ሳውዲ መንግስት ግምጃ ቤት ማስገባት እንደሚጠበቅባቸውም ተመልክቷል።
እጅግ ውድና ዘመናዊ በሆነው ሪትዝ ካርልተን ሆቴል ውስጥ የታሰሩት ባለሃብቶች በቁጥር 201 ያህል ሲሆኑ ሰራተኞችን ጨምሮ በአጠቃላይ 500 ያህል መሆናቸውንም ቢቢሲ ዘግቧል።
ከታሰሩት ውስጥ 7ቱ ቀደም ሲል የተለቀቁ ሲሆን ትላንት ማክሰኞ ደግሞ የቀድሞው ንጉስ አብዱላህ ልጅ ሚተብ ቢን አብዱላህ ከቢሊየን ዶላር በላይ ለመክፈል በመስማማት ሲፈቱ ሌሎች ተጨማሪ ሶስት ታሳሪዎች በድርድር ላይ መሆናቸው ተመልክቷል።
የ65 አመቱ ልዑል ሚተብ ቢን አብዱላህ የሳውዲ ብሔራዊ የክብር አዣዥ ሲሆኑ ወደ ወህኒ የተጋዙት በአጎታቸው ልጅ የ32 አመቱ አልጋወራሽ ልዑል መሀመድ ሰልማን ነው።
ትውልደ ኢትዮጵያዊውን ሼህ መሀመድ አላሙዲንን ጨምሮ በአጠቃላይ ከታሰሩት ሰዎች ጋር በተያያዘ 1 ሺ 9 መቶ የባንክ ሂሳቦች ታግደዋል።
የዚህ መጠን 800 ቢሊየን ዶላር ያህል መሆኑም ተመልክቷል።
ልዑላኑና ባለሃብቶቹ የታሰሩበትን ሪትዝ ካርልተን ሆቴልን እንድትጎበኝ የተፈቀደላትና ሆኖም ታሳሪዎቹን ፎቶ እንዳታነሳ የተከለከለችው የቢቢሲ ጋዜጠኛ ሊስ ዱሴት የጸረ ሙስና ኮሚቴውን አባል ጠይቃ እንደዘገበችው የሳውዲ አረቢያ መንግስት መቶ ቢሊየን ዶላር ያህል ከታሳሪዎቹ ለማስመለስ ወይንም ለመቀበል ይፈልጋል።
እስረኞቹ የእጅ ስልካቸውን ቢነጠቁም በሆቴል ክፍሎቹ በተዘረጋው ስልክ ከቤተሰብ ጋር መገናኘትም ሆነ ስራቸውን ማስኬድ እንዲችሉ ኢሜላቸውን ጭምር እንዲጠቀሙ ተፈቅዶላቸዋል።
እስረኞቹ የግል ጸጉር አስተካካይ እንዲሁም ልዩ ምግቦችና የግል ወጌሻዎችን ጨምሮ በርካታ ጥያቄዎችን እያቀረቡ ቢሆንም ተቀባይነት እንዳላገኙም ከቢቢሲ ዘገባ መረዳት ተችሏል።
ሙሉ ወጪው በሳውዲ አረቢያ መንግስት በተሸፈነው የሪትዝ ከርልተን ሆቴል ውስጥ ከታሰሩት እስረኞች ውስጥ 95 በመቶው በድርድር ማለትም ገንዘብ በመክፈል ወይንም በመመለስ ለመውጣት ፈቃደኛ ሆነዋል።
ከዚህም ጋር ተያይዞ በቅርቡ እንደሚፈቱ ተመልክቷል።
ታሳሪዎቹ በተያዘው የፈረንጆቹ አመት መጨረሻ ወይንም አዲሱ አመት መጀመሪያ ላይ ይፈታሉ ተብሎ ይጠበቃል።
በኢትዮጵያ በከፍተኛ ኢንቨስትመንት ውስጥ እየተሳተፉ የሚገኙት ሼህ መሀመድ አላሙዲን የተያዘባቸው የባንክ ሂሳብ እንዲሁም በድርድር ከፍለው የሚወጡት ገንዘብ በኢንቨትመንታቸው ላይ ስለሚያመጣው ተጽእኖ የታወቀ ነገር የለም።

Monday, November 27, 2017

የጋምቤላ ክልል ለመንግስት ሰራተኞች ደሞዝ መክፈል አልቻለም ተባለ

(ኢሳት ዜና–ሕዳር 21/2010)
በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለው የኢኮኖሚ ቀውስ እየተባባሰ መቀጠሉ በሚነገርበት በአሁኑ ወቅት የጋምቤላ ክልል ለመንግስት ሰራተኞች ደሞዝ መክፈል አለመቻሉን ገለጸ።
በዚህም በክልሉ የሚገኙ የመንግስት ሰራተኞች በሙሉ የጥቅምት ወር ደሞዛቸው እስከ ህዳር አጋማሽ እንዳልተከፈላቸው ታውቋል።
የጋምቤላ ከተማ ከንቲባ ክልሉ ገንዘብ ለመክፈል ጊዜያዊ ችግር እንዳጋጠመው አረጋግጠዋል።
የጋምቤላ ክልል በስሩ የሚያስተዳድራቸው የመንግስት ሰራተኞች በአጠቃላይ 1550 ያህል እንደሆኑ መረጃዎች ያመለክታሉ።
ታዲያ እነዚህ ሁሉ ሰራተኞች ናቸው የጥቅምት ወር ደሞዝ እስከ ሕዳር አጋማሽ ድረስ እንዳልተከፈላቸው የታወቀው።
የመስከረም ወር ደሞዝም የተከፈላቸው ዘግይቶ መሆኑ ተመልክቷል።
ደሞዛቸውን ካላገኙት 1ሺ 547 ሰራተኞች ውስጥ 513ቱ መምህራን መሆናቸውንም መረጃው አመልክቷል።
እነዚህ መምህራን ደሞዝ ይከፈለን በማለት ባለፈው ሳምንት የስራ ማቆም አድማ ማድረጋቸውንና ከዚህም ጋር ተያይዞ የመማር ማስተማር ሂደቱ መስተጓጎሉን የከተማዋ ከንቲባ አቶ አከነ ኦፓዳ ለሪፖርተር ጋዜጣ አረጋግጠዋል።
ችግሩን ለመቅረፍ ከመምህራን ጋር ህዳር 18/2010 በተደረገ ምክክር ህዳር 19 ወደ ስራ መመለሳቸውን ገልጸዋል።
የጋምቤላ ከተማ አስተዳደር በሚያገኘው ገቢና በወጪው መካከል ክፍተት በመኖሩ ለሰራተኞች በአግባቡ ደሞዝ ለመክፈል መቸገሩን ከንቲባው ገልጸዋል።
ይህ በእንዲህ እንዳለም የጋምቤላ ከተማ የገቢዎች ጽህፈት ቤት ማንነታቸው ያልታወቀ ሃይሎች ባስነሱት ቃጠሎ መውደሙን ሪፖርተር ጋዜጣ በዘገባው አመልክቷል።
ቅዳሜ ህዳር 19/2010 በደረሰው በዚህ ቃጠሎ ልዩ ልዩ ሰነዶች፣ኮምፒዩተሮችና ሌሎች የጽህፈት መሳሪያዎችና የቢሮ እቃዎች ወድመዋል።
የከተማዋ ከንቲባ እንደሚሉት በቃጠሎው የተጠረጠሩ 10 ሰዎች በፖሊስ ቁጥጥር ስር ውለዋል።
በተመሳሳይ ቀን በደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ በጋሞጎፋ ዞን ሳውላ ከተማ የገቢዎችና ጉምሩክ ጽህፈት ቤት በእሳት መውደሙን መዘገባችን ይታወሳል።
የጋምቤላውና የሳውላው የገቢዎች ጽህፈት ቤት በተመሳሳይ ቀን በእሳት እንዲጋይ መደረጉ የተቀነባበረ ድርጊት ይሁን አይሁን ግን የታወቀ ነገር የለም።

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Searching special affairs in Prague

Did you know that more international tourists visit Prague annually than Tokyo, Las Vegas, or Mecca?
The Czech capital attracted 6.3 million visitors in 2014, which ranked the city 21st in the world according to new data released by Euromonitor yesterday.www.news.expats.cz
The world’s most-visited city remains Hong Kong, which attracted 27.8 million visitors in 2014. London, Singapore, Bangkok, and Paris round out the top 5.
Among European cities, Prague attracted the 5th-most visitors, surpassed only by London, Paris, Istanbul, and Rome.
Here’s Europe top 10, with numbers of tourists in 2014 (in millions):
  • London (17.4)
  • Paris (15.0)
  • Istanbul (11.9)
  • Rome (8.8)
  • Prague (6.3)
  • Milan (6.1)
  • Barcelona (6.0)
  • Amsterdam (5.7)
  • Vienna (5.4)
  • Moscow (5.0)
Visitors to Prague grew by 1.8% in 2013 and 2.2% in 2014. The city experienced a boom in tourists from China in 2015, and those numbers should continue to increase with new direct flights between Shanghai and Prague this year.

Every one has a reason why he want to visit such cities,
The group of AU pairs from Munich, Germany made a trip this weekend  in Prague. 6 boys with 14 girls, Maximum age is 27.
It was the best affair for the group , grouping from the transport to the bed rooms.
No one visited the Ice pub in Prague near the charles bridge, It has minues -7 degree room Temperatur , There people went to drink a beer costs 150 Koruna, CZ currency, After the enterance fee of 200 CZ,k.
Bildergebnis für ice pub prag
Bildergebnis für ice pub prag
In this Ice pub works an Ethiopian student , He is the second Ethiopian I met in the weekend in Prage. On Saturday Evening I have met Mohamed Ethiopian working in a Kebab house, kiosk owned by Egyptian.
The second most funny part was searching the paris Eiffel Tower in Prague, A russian girl from the group of 7  suggested there is a tower near Petrine Cathedral in Prague....then we started walking in a dusk full of raining light.
What we got after a hill walking tour  of 2 hour is normal electric pole......lol. But after this Area called Stadiom some of us suggested to walk more and Finnaly we got the Paris  Eiffel Tower in north of Prague.
The Petřín Lookout Tower (Czech: Petřínská rozhledna) is a 63.5-metre-tall steel-framework tower in Prague, which strongly resembles the Eiffel Tower. The Petřínská rozhledna was built in 1891 and was used as an observation tower as well as a transmission tower. Today the Petřínská rozhledna is a major tourist attraction. The hill is roughly a half-hour walk up paths (which gets quite slippery in the snow) and the tower is a shorter but fairly tiring climb; however, the hill is served by a frequent funicular and the tower has an elevator for disabled people. In 2014 the tower was visited by more than 557,000 visitors, with foreigners accounting for over 70% of said visitors. But we were the only strangers in the area and some suggested we as if we were the only visitors of the tower in the year.It was 19:30 O'clock.The two observation platforms are accessible via 299 stairs in sections of 13 per flight running around the inside of the structure. A pair of staircases form a double-helix structure allowing visitors travelling up and down concurrently.In contrast to the Eiffel Tower, Petřínská rozhledna has an octagonal, not square, cross-section. Further, it does not stand, as does the Eiffel Tower, on four columns of lattice steel. The whole area under its legs is covered with the entrance hall.
A similarity between the Eiffel Tower and Petřínská rozhledna is the design of the lowest cross beams in the form of round bones.
The third funny part is the sleeping arrangment, To read more about this and other 3 specail affairs .Just Click #www.Zeabraham.blog.com.

የሶማሌ ተወላጆችን በቁጥጥር ስር ለማዋል የሶማሌ ክልል ፍቃደኛ አይደለም ተባለ

በኦሮሚያና በሶማሌ ክልል በነበረው ግጭት ተጠርጣሪ የሆኑ የሶማሌ ተወላጆችን በቁጥጥር ስር ለማዋል የሶማሌ ክልል ፍቃደኛ እንዳልሆነ ተገለጸ።

በቁጥጥር ስር ለማዋል ተባባሪ ያልሆኑ የሶማሌ ክልል አመራሮች ርምጃ እንዲወሰድባቸው ተወስኗል።
በኦሮሚያና ሶማሌ ክልሎች ለወራት በዘለቀውና አሁንም መብረድ ባልቻለው ግጭት የተጠረጠሩ ግለሰቦችን አሳልፎ ለመስጠት ፈቃደኛ ያልሆኑ የሶማሌ ክልል አመራሮች ርምጃ እንዲወሰድባቸው መወሰኑን የዘገበው በሀገር ውስጥ የሚታተመው ሪፖርተር ጋዜጣ ነው።
ውሳኔውን ያሳለፈው በምክትል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ደመቀ መኮንን የሚመራው ግብረ ሃይል እንደሆነም ዘገባው አመልክቷል።
ግብረ ሃይሉ የፌደራል ፖሊስ ያቀረበውን ሪፖርት ካዳመጠ በኋላ የተጠረጠሩትን በሕግ ጥላ ስር ለማዋል በተደረገ ጥረት ተባባሪ ያልነበሩ የክልሉ አመራሮች ተጠያቂ እንዲሆኑ መመሪያ አስተላልፏል።
የፌደራል ፖሊስ በዚህ ሪፖርቱ ተጠርጣሪዎችን በቁጥጥር ስር ለማዋል ባደረገው ጥረት የኦሮሚያ ክልል ጥሩ ትብብር እንዳደረገለት አስታውቋል።
በዚህም ምክንያት ከተጠረጠሩት 98 ግለሰቦች ውስጥ 44 ያህሉ በፌደራል የጸጥታ አካላት በቁጥጥር ስር መዋላቸውን አመላክተዋል።
በሶማሌ ክልል በፌደራል ፖሊስና መከላከያ 38 ግለሰቦች የተጠረጠሩ ሲሆን ከነዚህም ውስጥ 29 ያህሉ የእስር ትዕዛዝ ወጥቶባቸው በቁጥጥር ስር እንዲውሉ ቢወሰንም በቁጥጥር ስር የዋሉት ግን 5 ብቻ መሆናቸው ታውቋል።
የሶማሌ ክልል መስተዳድር በግብረ ሃይሉ ውሳኔ ላይ ይህ ዘገባ እስከተጠናቀረበት ጊዜ ድረስ ይፋዊ ምላሽ አልሰጠም።
ይህ በእንዲህ እንዳለ በግጭቱ ምክንያት ተፈናቅለው በመጠለያ ጣቢያዎች የሚኖሩ ዜጎች በከፍተኛ ስቃይ ላይ እንዳሉና በዚህም ምክንያት ከፍተኛ የስነ ልቦና ችግር እንደደረሰባቸው የፌደራል የአደጋ ስጋትና ስራ አመራር ኮሚሽን አስታውቋል።
ከቀያቸው የተፈናቀሉት ዜጎች ከመጠለያ ጣቢያ መውጣትና ልጆቻቸውን ወደ ትምህርት ቤት መላክ እንደሚፈልጉ ኮሚሽኑ አክሎ ገልጿል።
አቶ ሃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ ለፓርላማ ባቀረቡት እቅድ በቀጣይ ወራት ልዩ ትኩረት በመስጠት ተፈናቃዮችን ወደ ቀድሞ ቦታቸው መመለስ እንደሆነ ተናግረው ነበር።

በደቡብ ጎንደር ደጎማ እና ቻግኒ ከተማ የሚሊሻ ታጣቂዎች ላይ ጥቃት ተሰነዘረ

በአማራ ክልል ቻግኒ ከተማ ማንነታቸው ያልታወቀ ሰዎች በፖሊስና በአካባቢው የሚሊሻ ታጣቂዎች ላይ ጥቃት ሰነዘሩ
በደቡብ ጎንደር ደጎማም ዛሬ ክፍተኛ የተኩስ ድምጽ ይሰማ እንደነበር ምንጮች ገልጸዋል።
በሀዋሳና በአዲስ አበባ አንዳንድ ቦታዎች የትግል ጥሪ ወረቀቶች መበተናቸው ታውቋል።
በአዊ ዞን ቻግኒ ከተማ ማንነታቸው ያልታወቁ ሰዎች በፖሊስና በአካባቢው ሚሊሻ ታጣቂዎች ላይ ጥቃት መሰንዘራቸውን ነው የታወቀው።
ትናንት ልዩ ስሙ ፎረንቅ በተባለው ስፍራ ከምሽቱ 3 ፡20 ሲሆን በአካባቢው ሲዘዋወሩ በነበሩ የፖሊስና የሚሊሻ አባላት ላይ ጥቃት ተከፍቶ ሁለት ታጣቂዎች በቀስት የተመቱ ሲሆን አንደኛው በቻግኒ ሆስፒታል ህክምና ሲደረግለት ሌላኛው ታጣቂ ጉዳቱ ከባድ በመሆኑ ወደ ባህርዳር ፈለገ ህይወት ሪፈራል ሆስፒታል መወሰዱ ታውቋል።
ከጥቃቱ በኋላ በአካባቢው ከፍተኛ የተኩስ ድምፅ እንደተሰማ የጠቀሱት የአይን እማኞች ተጨማሪ ሃይል በመግባት ጥቃት አድራሾቹን እያሰሰ እንደሆነም ገልጸዋል።
በሌላ በኩልም በደቡብ ጎንደር ደጎማ ዛሬ ከፍተኛ የተኩስ ድምጽ ይሰማ እንደነበረ መረጃ ለማወቅ ተችሏል።
በከተማዋ የተበተነውን የትግል ቅስቀሳ ጥሪ ወረቀት ለመሰብሰብ የተሰማራው የመንግስት ታጣቂ ቡድን ህዝቡን ለማስፈራራት የተኩስ ሩምታ የከፈተ ሲሆን በዕለቱ በሚከበረው የንግስ በዓል ታዳሚዎች ላይ ከፍተኛ መረበሽ መፍጠሩን ምንጮች ገልጸዋል።
ይህ በእንዲህ እንዳለ በተለያዩ የሀገሪቱ ከተሞች የትግል ጥሪ ወረቀቶች ሰሞኑን ሲበተኑ እንደነበረም ለማወቅ ተችሏል።
በአዲስ አበባና በሀዋሳ ከተሞች በተመረጡ አደባባዮች በተበተኑት በዚሁ ወረቀቶች በዘርና በሃይማኖት አንከፋፋልም፣ነጻነት የሚፈልግ ዜጋ ህዝባዊውን ትግል በአስቸኳይ ይቀላቀል፣የወያኔን ስርዓት ለመገርሰስ ተነስተናል የሚሉ መልዕክቶች መሰራጨታቸው ተገልጿል።

Saturday, November 25, 2017

How a speedy emergency services app is saving lives

Media captionHow an emergency services app is helping to save lives
Many of us assume that if you call an emergency number like 911, 999 or 112, someone will answer quickly and help will arrive soon wherever we are in the world.
But across Africa, this isn't always the case.
In Kenya's capital Nairobi, for example, there are more than 50 different numbers for emergency services. Ringing round trying to find an available crew can be a lengthy - and potentially life-jeopardising - process.
You can wait two or three hours for an ambulance to arrive.
"You just take for granted that 911 [the US emergency services number] exists, and we did as well," says Caitlin Dolkart.
She and her business partner Maria Rabinovich had both been working in the health industry in Nairobi for years before starting their company Flare.
"We thought - what would we do in an emergency? So we started asking people to spot ambulances and realised there were so many around and no one has any idea where they are," says Ms Dolkart.
Flare co-founder Maria Rabinovich
Image captionFlare co-founder Maria Rabinovich wants to improve emergency service response times
The pair created an Uber-style online platform that aims to connect people to the closest emergency responders.
Private ambulance crews log in to the system at the start of a shift. Their locations can then be tracked and monitored by any hospital registered to Flare.
"Within the system we have different ambulance companies, so depending on the resources we work together," says Patrick Kinyenje, who works as emergency co-ordinator or dispatcher at Care Hospital in Nairobi.
Flare aggregates all the available ambulances on a map so dispatchers like Patrick can choose the most appropriate vehicle based on where it is, the expertise of the crew, and the equipment on board.
It also incorporates Google maps traffic data to help emergency workers navigate the city's notorious traffic jams.
"The response time that we have seen has gone down from 162 minutes, which is the average, to about 15 to 20 minutes," says Ms Dolkart.
Kenyan firefighter in front of fire engine
Image captionFirefighters in Nairobi often have to tackle major traffic jams before tackling major fires
Hospitals pay a subscription fee to access the service whilst individuals in the capital can sign up for membership, with levels of cover starting from around $15 a year.
The website promises access to a 24/7 hotline of emergency professionals.
"The membership product is like your emergency and healthcare concierge," says Ms Rabinovich.
The service is similar to ones run by Red Cross Kenya, Amber Health in India and Murgency in Dubai.
But will this business model really work in a country where $15 is three months salary for many people?
Dr Stellah Bosire-Otieno of the Kenya Medical Association has her doubts.
"By principle it's an excellent idea. But the target population that can afford it are the middle income earners who most likely have health insurance.
"Those in the low social economic regions wouldn't be able to afford this," she says.
In 2013, the government re-introduced a 999 emergency hotline number for the capital but it was inundated with prank calls and is now rarely answered.
During the recent election violence, the BBC rang the number a few times but didn't get through. On one occasion, someone did pick up the phone, though hung up immediately.
"To be honest it rarely works," explains Bethuel Aliwa, who runs ICT Fire and Rescue, a training school and Fire service.
"Also, the technology of 999 has not changed, people have moved to mobile phone, but I believe 999 is still on analogue, so it is quite a problem," says Mr Aliwa.
A 999 call goes direct to the police who then start looking for the nearest ambulance or fire engine. But there are dozens of numbers for the various emergency services, and often phone numbers belong to individuals rather than agencies.
Ambulance car parking sign
Image captionThere are many different ambulance services competing for business
"By the time a fire service arrives, it's often too late," says Mr Aliwa.
Flare is now working on aggregating private fire agencies onto the system.
Due to the nature of Nairobi's roads and the constant traffic jams, the crew at ICT have found that sending smaller fire trucks works better. The downside is they can carry less water.
In addition, being a private agency, the places they can get water from are limited.

More Technology of Business

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"Within five minutes the water is done, we need to rush to the nearest hydrant. You are gambling, you know, today you'll either get water or not," says Mr Aliwa.
To solve this issue, Flare is mapping all the available water hydrants in the city and recording them on the platform. So in addition to available fire trucks, dispatchers can also identify the closest water points.
"When we first started to do the research on fire in Nairobi, we found there are up to 4,000 fire hydrants that are potentially working," explains Ms Rabinovich.
Map of GPS movements of ambulancesImage copyrightFLARE
Image captionDuring the Kenyan elections in October, Flare recorded a 33% increase in ambulance movements
"But a lot of them are not in service. There are about eight that the firefighters currently use and know about, so there is a huge potential to improve fire response."
Flare is currently working with the private sector with the intention of adding more "concierge-style" features for members, such as real-time updates and treatment information.
The start-up is also collecting some interesting data.
"We learned there is a lack of ambulances between 7am and 9am because of shift handovers," explains Ms Dolkart.
"We're trying to encourage operators to stagger shift changes and make sure there is always an ambulance available," she says.
Flare hopes the information they are collecting for both the fire and ambulance service will prove useful in coordinating better services across the city.

16 እስረኞች ላይ በምርመራ ወቅት የደረሰባቸውን ጉዳት ሪፖርት

በ16 እስረኞች ላይ በምርመራ ወቅት የደረሰ ጉዳት
የኢትዮጵያ ሰብአዊ መብት ኮምሽን በእነ መቶ አለቃ ማስረሻ ሰጤ የክስ መዝገብ በቂሊንጦ ቃጠሎ ሰበብ ከተከሰሱት 38 ተከሳሾች መካከል 16 እስረኞች ላይ በምርመራ ወቅት የደረሰባቸውን ጉዳት በሪፖርቱ አኳትቷል። በዚህም መሰረት:_
1) ከበደ ጨመዳ:_ ቀኝ እጅ ላይ ትንሽ ጠባሳ፣ ቀኝ እግር አውራ ጣት ስብራት፣
2)ኢብራሂም ካሚል:_ ቀኝ እግር ላይ ጠባሳ፣ ግራ እጅ ላይ ጠባሳ፣ የካቴና እስር ምልክቶች፣
3) አግባው ሰጠኝ:_ ግራ ታፋ ላይ ሰፊ ጠባሳ፣ ቀኝ እግር ላይ ጠባሳ፣ ግራ እግር ላይ በሚስማር የተመታ ምልክት፣ ጀርባ ላይ የግርፋት የሚመስሉ ምልክቶች፣
4)ቶፊቅ ሽኩር:_ ቀኝ እጅ ላይ ጠባሳ፣ የሁለት እግር አውራ ጣት ጥፍር መነሳት፣ ግራ እጅ ጠባሳ፣
5) ሸምሱ ሰይድ: _የጀርባ የግርፋት የሚመስሉ ምልክቶች፣
6) ሚስባህ ከድር:_ የካቴና የእስር ምልክቶች፣ ቀኝ እጅ ላይ ሰፊ ጠባሳ፣ ግራ እጅ ላይ አነስተኛ ጠባሳ፣ ቀኝ እና ግራ ታፋ ላይ ጠባሰ፣ የግራ እጅ ጠቋሚ ጣት ስብራት፣
7) ፍፁም ጌታቸው: _ የቀኝ እጅ ጉዳት፣
8) ተመስገን ማርቆስ:_ የቀኝ እጅ ስብራትና ጠባሳ፣ ሁለቱም እግሮች ሰፋፊ ጠባሳዎች፣
9) አሸናፊ መለሰ:_ የቀኝ እና ግራ ታፋ ላይ ጠባሳዎች፣ የግራ እጅ የቀለበት ጣት ስብራት፣
10) ካሳ መሃመድ:_ቀኝ እጅ ጥልቅ ጠባሳ፣ ጭንቅላት ላይ የመፈንከት ምልክት፣
11) ሲሳይ ባቱ:_ ቀኝ እጅ ላይ ጠባሳና የጠቆረ ምልክት፣
12) አቡዱልደፋር አስራት: _ቀኝ እና ግራ እግር አውራ ጣት ጥፍር መነቀል፣
13) ደረጀ መርጋ: _ግራ እግር ላይ ስድስት ጠባሳዎች፣ ሁለቱም እግር ላይ ካቴና እስር የጠቆሩ ምልክቶች፣
14) ቶፊክ ፈርሃ: _ግራ እጅ ላይ ጠባሳ፣ የካቴና እስር የጠቆሩ ምልክቶች፣
15) ኡመር ሀሰን:_ የግራ እግር አውራ ጣትና የቀኝ እግር ከአውራ ጣት ቀጥሎ ያለው ጣት ጥፍር መነቀል፣
16) ሰይፈ ግርማ: _ከጀርባ ትክሻ በግራ በኩል በሚስማር የተመታ ጠባሳ፣ ሁለቱም እግሮች ላይ ጠባሳ፣​

Friday, November 24, 2017

Zimbabwe got new President after Robert Mugabe thrown out to rest

Emmerson and Auxilia MnangagwaImage copyrightEPA
Image captionMr Mnangagwa is sworn is as Zimbabwe's new president

Zimbabwe's new President Emmerson Mnangagwa has addressed a packed stadium, vowing to serve all citizens.
He said he felt "deeply humbled" to take the role.
And he said he was "not oblivious to the many Zimbabweans from across the political and racial divide who have helped make this day."
He paid tribute to his predecessor Robert Mugabe - to muted applause - calling him "a father, mentor, comrade-in-arms and my leader".
Mr Mugabe left office dramatically this week after 37 years of authoritarian rule. His departure followed a power struggle in which Mr Mnangagwa was sacked as vice president to pave the way for Grace Mugabe, the then-first lady, to take up the presidency.
Mr Mnangagwa fled the country but returned to a hero's welcome and on Friday struck a conciliatory tone.
"The task at hand is that of rebuilding our country," he said.
"I am required to serve our country as the president of all citizens regardless of colour, creed, religion, tribe, totem or political affiliation."
Although Mr Mnangagwa has unseated Zimbabwe's long-time ruler, he is still associated by many with some of the worst atrocities committed under the ruling Zanu-PF party since the country gained independence in 1980.

Emmerson Mnangagwa in numbers

He was the country's spymaster during the 1980s civil conflict, in which thousands of civilians were killed. But he has denied any role in the massacres, blaming the army.

How did the inauguration unfold?

Tens of thousands of people packed the National Sports Stadium in Zimbabwe's capital, Harare, to witness the inauguration. Pop singer Jah Prayzer provided the entertainment and, as people in the crowd danced, the atmosphere was closer to that of a concert.
Dignitaries, including leaders from various African countries, filed in to cheers.
Opposition leaders Morgan Tsvangirai and Joice Mujuru - who both had their sights on the presidency at various times - were there.
Mr Mnangagwa was led in the oath of office by Chief Justice Luke Malaba, saying he would "be faithful to Zimbabwe", "protect and promote the rights and people of Zimbabwe" and discharge his duties to the best of his abilities.
Mr Mnangagwa was accompanied by his wife Auxilia and gave her a kiss after the green presidential sash was placed around his neck.

Was Mr Mugabe there?

No - and the official reason given was that at 93, the former president needed to rest.
But the fact he is not attending is a reminder that this is no ordinary transition, the BBC's Andrew Harding reports, and that despite Mr Mugabe's official resignation he was forced out by the military.
On Thursday, several reports suggested Mr Mugabe had been granted immunity from prosecution.

Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace. Photo: 8 November 2017Image copyrightREUTERS
Image captionPresident Mugabe was accused of preparing the presidency for his wife Grace

Local media are reporting that Mr Mnangagwa has offered the Mugabe family "maximum security and welfare".
The former president "expressed his good wishes and support for the incoming president," the Herald newspaper reports.

How did Zimbabwe get to this point?

The news on Tuesday that Mr Mugabe was stepping down sparked wild celebrations.
It came in the form of a letter read out in parliament, abruptly halting impeachment proceedings against him.
He had been under pressure since the military took control of the country a week before, seizing the headquarters of the national broadcaster.
Although Mr Mugabe was largely under house arrest for several days, he appeared to be resisting pressure to stand down.
On Saturday, tens of thousands of Zimbabweans took to the streets of Harare to urge him to go. The demonstration was led by veterans of the country's war of independence, who last year turned against him.

Media captionA pensioner, an activist and a white farmer share hopes for Zimbabwe's future

On Sunday, Zanu-PF sacked Mr Mugabe as its leader. Two days later, he resigned as president.
In his letter, he said he was resigning to allow a smooth and peaceful transfer of power, and that his decision was voluntary.

Will the change be good for the economy?

Zimbabwe's economy is in a very bad state. It has not recovered fully from crises in the last decade, when rampant inflation grew so bad the country had to abandon its own currency. Now, according to some estimates, 90% of people there are unemployed.
Its main industrial index has slumped by 40% since last week's military intervention and the stock market has shed $6bn (£4.5bn) in a week.
Analysts say the market is now correcting itself, optimistic of a change of economic policy under Mr Mnangagwa.
In his speech, Mr Mnangagwa said he would base a new economic policy on agriculture and foreign direct investment. He has pledged to create jobs.
He also said the country's land reform programme would not be reversed, but pledged to compensate farmers for the land that was confiscated from them.
The seizure of land from white farmers is seen as a key factor in the country's economic meltdown.

What comes next?

On Thursday, Zimbabwe's main opposition MDC party called for deep-rooted political reform to dismantle the repressive apparatus that sustained Mr Mugabe's regime.

Media captionLeader of the opposition MDC party, Morgan Tsvangirai, warns of a "power retention agenda"

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai said the "culture of violence" and "culture of corruption" had to be changed after "after so many years of Zanu-PF misrule".
It is unclear whether Zanu-PF will govern alone ahead of scheduled elections next year, or whether a coalition government of national unity that includes opposition groups will be formed.
Mr Mnangagwa confirmed in his speech that elections would be held as planned.

wanted officials