German parliament vice president took part in the demonstration with Ethiopians in Berlin
” Die Saudische Regierung begeht rücksichtsloseste Menschenrechtsverletzungen an GastarbeiterInnen aus Äthiopien bei ihrer „Saudisierung“ der Wirtschaft: Das brutale Vorgehen gegen die ArbeitsmigrantInnen muss ein Ende haben, die Verfolgung gestoppt und die Entrechtung beendet werden. Die erschütternden Berichte aus Saudi Arabien stellen ein weiteres Mal unter Beweis, dass die Lieferung von Panzern und Waffen an Diktatoren durch die Bundesregierung sofort gestoppt werden muss.,,
Translation :
”The Saudi government is committing ruthless human rights violations against migrant workers from Ethiopia in its “Saudization” of the economy: the brutal crackdown on migrant workers must end, stopped the persecution and deprivation of rights be terminated. The shocking reports from Saudi Arabia provide one more time to prove that the delivery of tanks and arms to dictators by the federal government must be stopped immediately.”
The above is a statement by Mrs. Claudia Roth a Vice president of German Parliament upon on responding the Ethiopian demonstrators in front of Saudi Arabia embassy in Berlin , Germany. We thank the German government for allowing us the demonstration and specially showing us solidarity with the victims of Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia.
In Addis Ababa , demonstrations in front of Saudi embassy in Ethiopia were blocked by the Ethiopian government on November 15. 2013.
How ever the European Parliament Human Right Committee Chair woman
Mrs. Barbara Lochbihler is paying a visit to Saudi Arabia since this Saturday November 23 as Ethiopians were told on the demonstration in Berlin that shows a great solidarity for the Ethiopians treated inhuman by Saudi Arabia. Mrs. Barbara Lochbihler was also in Addis Ababa on July 2013 and reported the Ethiopian government wrongly jailed journalists and more than 40 persons in connection to the demonstrations called by Andinet party in Gonder and Desse towns in Ethiopia.
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