Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said that redrawing the borders between Sudan and Ethiopia will begin next month according to a previous agreement with Sudan’s President Omer al-Bashir. However, the Ethiopian opposition accuses the ruling party of abandoning Ethiopian territory to Sudan.
It is because the demarcation is benefit only Sudan, historical places of Ethiopia, rivers, will be given to the Sudan.
Farmers from two sides of the border between Sudan and Ethiopia used to dispute the ownership of land in the Al-Fashaga area located in the south-eastern part of Sudan’s eastern state of Gedaref.
Al-Fashaga covers an area of about 250 square kilometers and it has about 600.000 acres of fertile lands. Also there are river systems flowing across the area including Atbara, Setait and Baslam rivers.
Sudanese president Omer Al- Bashir and Ethiopian prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn sign a series of joint cooperation agreements in Khartoum 4 December 2013 (Photo SUNA)
Sudan’s Gadarif and Blue Nile states border Ethiopia’s Amhara region. The borders between Sudan and Ethiopia were drawn by the British and Italian colonisers in 1908.
Sudanese president Omer Al- Bashir and Ethiopian prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn sign a series of joint cooperation agreements in Khartoum 4 December 2013 (Photo SUNA)
The two governments have agreed in the past to redraw the borders, and to promote joint projects between people from both sides for the benefit of local population.
Ethiopia is in the hand of its historical enemies for the last 2,5 decades. Practically, the country is neo-colonized. The is done fully using perpetrators the current ruling governmnet of Ethiopia (TPLF/EPRDF). All is done very systematically rather disguised. Nearly all Ethiopians know that the junta is operating against Ethiopia and against the interests of Ethiopians.
It is quite apparent that the junta worked and will work in favor of Sudan because it is obliged to serve its masters (USA, UK and EU). Its masters rather the arrogant powers are busy with redrawing the glob, remaking history and more.
Yet, all what TPLF/EPRDF has done against Ethiopia and Ethiopians will eventually be undone for the simple fact that is an enemy than a government of Ethiopia
The government of Ethiopia and Sudan, for the sake of both countries people Peace. Please think deep before you do a lot of mistakes. It is not easy unless you relied on documents and those people who are knowledgeable. Ethiopian government, you know that the British military commander even admit that no Ethiopian were there when he did the demarcation with Sudan government and the demarcation he did is completely unfair and wrong, because he gave Ethiopian land to Sudan. Unless otherwise you do the right demarcation this time, both countries will have unprecedented problems for ever.
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