ይህን የመለስን ፋውንዴሽን መዘጋት በሚመለከት “ዜና ላድርገው ወይንስ መጣጥፍ?” ብዬ ብዙ ተጨነቅሁ፡፡ ዜናም ላድርገው መጣጥፍ መቼም እስካሁን የቀደመኝ እንደማይኖር ተስፋ አለኝ፡፡ ወደሰበር ዜናው ላምራ፡፡
የሕዝብ ዋይታ የፈጠረው ዕንባና ያፈሰሰው የንጹሓን ደም ፈጣሪ ዘንድ ጮኸው ባመጡት የጸሎት መልስ ለገሠ ዜናዊ – በፖለቲካዊ የብዕር ስሙ መለስ ዜናዊ – የሚባለው ሽፍታ የዛሬ አራት ዓመታት ገደማ ከሥሩ ተግነድሶ አይሞቱ አሟሟት መሞቱ የሚታወስ መሆኑን የገለጸልን ይህን ሰበር ዜና ያደረሰን ግለሰብ በመቀጠልም በዚህ ዱርዬ ሀገር አጥፊ ስም ተቋቁሞ የነበረውና ካዛንቺስ አካባቢ የሚገኘው ፋውንዴሽን ላልተወሰነ ጊዜ መዘጋቱን ጠቁሟል፡፡
አቶ ነፃነት ዘለቀ የሚባሉ – ባጋጣሚ ሆኖ የዜናውም ዘጋቢ እርሳቸው ናቸው – የአዲስ አበባ ኗሪ ዛሬ መጋቢት 16 ቀን 2008 ዓ.ም – በዕለተ ኪዳነ ምሕረት – ከቤታቸው ወደ ሥራቸው ለመሄድ ዝምቡን እንኳን እሺ የሚልለት ሰው ሳይኖር ኦናውን ተገትሮ በሚውለው በዚያ ፋውንዴሽን አጠገብ ሲያልፉ የተመለከቱት ነገር ከባድ ምልኪያዊ ገጽታ እንዳለው የደረሱበት መሆኑንም አልሸሸጉም፡፡
ዝርዝሩን በተመለከተ እንዲህ በማለት ገልጸዋል – አቶ ነፃነት፡፡ “ዌል፣ እኔ ኖርማሊ ጧት ጧት ወደ ሥራ የምሄደው በዚህ የመለስ ፋውንዴሽን በሚሉት መንገድ አስታክኬ ነው – ብዙም የምታከክ ደግሞ እንዳይመስልህታዲያ፤ እናንት ጋዜጠኞች አንድን ነገር ኤግዛጀሬት እንደምታደርጉና ነገሮችን እንደምታዛቡ አውቃለሁ፡፡ እርግጥ ነው አክቹዋሊ እዚያ አካባቢ ስደርስ ወደፋውንዴሽኑ ማየትን አልወድም፡፡ ሰውዬው በቁሙ ያስጠላኝና የእናቴ ገዳይ ያህል እቆጥረው ስለነበረ በዚያ የማልፈው ደሜ እየተንተከተከ ነው – ዩዥዋሊ፡፡ ዛሬ ግን ለየት ያለ ነገር ታዘብኩና የመኪናየን ፍጥነት በረድ አድርጌ በመስኮት በኩል ስመለከት ከዐድዋ ድልድይ አቅጣጫ የመጣ የሚመስል አንድ ላንድክሩዘር በመናኸሪያ ሆቴል አቅጣጫ በኩል ከሚገኘው የፋውንዴሽኑ ዋና መግቢያ የበሩ ኮለን ጋር በመጋጨት በሩን ዘግቶ ቆሞ አየሁ – በትዕዛዝ በሩን ለመዝጋት የቆረጠ ይመስላል፡፡ ወደግቢው የሚወስደውን መንገድ ሙሉ በሙሉ በሚባል ደረጃ ዘግቶታል፡፡ ከሰው በቀር ወደግቢ መኪና አያስገባም – ለነገሩ ከዚያች ውሻ ሴት በስተቀር ሌላ ሰው ማን ሊገባ እንደሚችል አላውቅም – (ውሻ ማለቴን በዜናህ እንዳታቀርበው ታዲያ ፤ እናንተ እኮ አትታመኑም – አደራህን ኤዲት አድርገህ አውጣው ኦኬ?) ብዙ ሰዎችም ዙሪያውን ቆመው ጉድ ጉድ ይላሉ – “ድ” እንደማይጠብቅ አንባቢዎችህን ንገራቸው – አለበለዚያ ምን ድግስ ኖሮ ነው ‹ጉድ ጉድ› (አሁን ‹ድ› ይጠብቃል) የሚሉት እንዳይሉህ፡፡ እንደምገምተው ብዙዎቹ ሳይደሰቱ አልቀሩም፤ ግን በላይ ያዘኑ መስለው ሊፓቸውን ይመጣሉ – ‹እምጵ› እያሉ፡፡ ግጭቱ ከባድ ቢመስልም የተጎዳ ሰው ግን እንደሌለ አንገቴን በመስኮት አስግጌ የጠየቅሁት አንድ ሰው ነግሮኛል፡፡” በማለት ፋውንዴሽኑ ቢያንስ ያ ላንድክሩዘር እሰኪነሳ ድረስ ተዘግቶ እንደሚቆይ አስረድተዋል፡፡
“በዚህ በፋውንዴሽኑ መዘጋት ምን ተሰማዎት?” ተብለው የተጠየቁት አቶ ነፃነት ሲመልሱ “ኦፍ ኮርስ ምንም አልተሰማኝም ልልህ አልችልም፡፡ ግጭቱ ባይደርስ ደስ ይለኛል፡፡ በተለይ ከመጠነኛ የንብረት ዲስትራክሽን ውጭ የሰው ላይፍ ላይ ምንም ሃፕን ያደረገ ነገር ባለመኖሩ ደስ ብሎኛል፡፡ በት ኦን ዚአዘር ሃንድ ላንድ ክሩዘርን የመሰለ ሚጢጢየ ካር ኦር መኪና ኢፍ ዩ ላይክ ሳይሆን የሆነ ዩ ኖው የፋውንዴሽኑን ግቢ ብቻ የሚያህል ሜቴዎሮይድ ቢወድቅበትና ድራሽ አምላኩ ቢጠፋም የምጠላ ፐርሰን አይደለሁም – ኤግዛክትሊይ ኤ ካይንድ ኦፍ ዛት፡፡ ቱ ዩር ሰርፕራይዝ ይሄ ላንድክሩዘር በሩን እንዲህ ልክክ አድርጎ በግጭት ምክንያት መዝጋቱ ኢት ኢዝ ሪሊ ኦሚነስ – ማለቴ ምልኪያዊ ነው፡፡ ይህ ያልተጠበቀ ክስተት ግቢው በቅርቡ እንደሚዘጋና ለሌላ ፍሬያማ ተግባር እንደሚውል ይጠቁማል፡፡ ሶሪ እቸኩላለሁ፡፡ ሌላ ነገር ባትጠይቀኝ ደስ ይለኛል” በማለት ወደ ሥራቸው ለመሄድ ማቆብቆባቸውን በሰውነት እንቅስቃሴያቸው ቢጠቁሙም የያዛቸው ጋዜጠኛ ቀላል ባለመሆኑ “ጥሩ ነው፣ በንግግርዎ ጣልቃ እንግሊዝኛን የሚጠቀሙት ለምንድነው?” ሲል ጠይቋቸዋል፡፡ መልሳቸውም “ሂድና ኢቲቪን ጠይቅ፣ ሂድና ወያኔን ጠይቅ፣ ሂድና በየስብሰባውና በየዐውደ ጥናቱ በእንግሊዝኛና ዐማርኛ ጉራማይሌ በቅጹ ሳያውቅበት እያወለጋገደ የሚንተባተበውን ምሁርና ካድሬ ጠይቅ፣ ሂድና ስሙን ሲጠየቅ ባላስፈላጊ ሁኔታ ሳይቀር ‹አክቹሊ ስሜ ገረመው ነው› የሚል ዓይነት ጉራማይሌ ሠርክ የሚነገርባቸውን ኤፌሞች ጠይቅ፣ ሂድና የተማርኩ ነኝ የሚለውን ዜጋ በሙሉ ጠይቅ፣ ‹የሠራተኞች መጓጓዣ› ማለት አቅቷቸው አይደለም እንዴ ዐማርኛን በመጸየፍ ‹ፐብሊክ ሰርቪስ› የሚል የዐማርኛ ጽሑፍ ሰማያዊ አውቶቡሶች ላይ ለጥፈው የሚያስቁን? እኔስ ታዲያ ከማን አንሳለሁ? ሁ ማይነስ ሁ አንተ!?” በማለት በንዴት መልሰዋል፡፡ አሁን የቸኮልኩት እኔ ጋዜጠኛው ሆንኩ – እርሳቸው እንደሆኑ ሥራቸውንም ረስተው ከኔ ጋር ሲያወሩ ቢውሉ ደስተኛ ይመስላሉ፡፡
በተዋዛ አቀራረብ ላደረስንላችሁ ጮማ ሰበር ዜና ምሥጋና እንደሚገባን በሾርኒ በመጠቆም በሌላ – ከተገኘ – ሰበር ዜና እስክንገናኝ ደህና ዋሉ በማለት የምሰናበታችሁ –
ከመለስ ፋውንዴሽን ቅጽር ግቢ ውጪ የተጠናቀረውን ዜና ያቀረብኩላችሁ ነፃነት ዘለቀ ነኝ ከአዲስ አበባ
ማሳሰቢያ፡- ይህንን ዜና በምስል ማስደገፍ ያልተቻለው በዚያ አካባቢ ፎቶግራፍ ማንሣት ከጤና አኳያ ጎጂ ሆኖ በመገኘቱ መሆኑን ከይቅርታ ጋር ማሳሰብ እንወዳለን፡፡ ጎመን በጤና፡፡ ለሥራ ያልደረሱ፣ ለምግብ ያላነሱ ልጆችን ቀፍቅፎ ከጅብና ከዓሣማ ጋር አላስፈላጊ ልፊያ ውስጥ መግባት ብልኅነት አይደለም፡፡
By andualem sisay
Hundreds of Ethiopian migrants have been evacuated from war torn-Yemen in the past 10 days.
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said in a press statement it had evacuated 485 vulnerable Ethiopians, including 122 women, 261 men, a child and 101 unaccompanied minors from Yemen.
The voluntary repatriations, the statement explained, was supported by the governments of Yemen, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia.
“This has followed IOM’s earlier repatriation of 4,222 Ethiopians from Yemen in an operation that was suspended in September 2015 due to lack of funding. The same operation provided post-arrival assistance to another 3,319 Ethiopians fleeing Yemen,” it said.
Other partners
The new repatriation from the Hodeidah seaport to Djibouti and on to Ethiopia by bus, targets a total of 1,212 stranded migrants.
IOM’s migrant assistance and protection operations in Yemen were also being supported by other partners such as the US State Department and the UK’s DfID.
The arrivals confirmed the desperate situation of many migrants, hence the urgency for the evacuation.

Ahmed (not his real name), a 22-year-old barber, explained that he left Ethiopia in search of a better life in Saudi Arabia.
“After paying smugglers to take us to Yemen, we were promised that we would be on our way to Saudi Arabia to make a lot ofmoney . But we were intercepted by kidnappers as soon as we got off the boat in Yemen,” he said.
Beaten to death
“We saw two individuals beaten to death. They were hang upside down and beaten to death; we watched them die.”
Ali (name changed), a 25-year-old khat shop owner, narrated how he was also kidnapped and held to ransom. Family members in Saudi Arabia had to pay the kidnappers a total of $2,700 (Saudi Riyals 10,000) for his release. He considers himself fortunate, given the cruelty he witnessed.
“We saw the kidnappers melt plastic on the backs of some of them. We saw one young man beaten so badly till his arm and ribs were broken and then dumped onto the streets.
Were raped
“If you don’t have the money to pay the ransom demanded, you die. We also saw many women who were raped,” he told IOM.
The migrants who either managed to escape or were released by kidnappers following ransom payments, were given refuge at IOM Yemen shelters. However, they represent a small percentage of all those in need of repatriation, according to the IOM Migration Management Programme Coordinator in Ethiopia, Ms Fumiko Nagano.
Umbrella law
“According to UNHCR and the Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat, over 92,000 migrants arrived in Yemen in 2015. Some 89 percent of those are believed to be Ethiopian nationals,” she said to IOM.
The Director-General of the Middle East Affairs Directorate at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Siraj Reshid, said the latest returnees from Yemen further underlined the need to strengthen the fight against human traffickers.
“The Government of Ethiopia has already ratified an umbrella law and we are working on its implementation to promote regular channels for those who seekjob opportunities abroad,” he told IOM.
- See more at: http://www.zehabesha.com/hundreds-of-ethiopians-evacuated-from-war-torn-yemen/#sthash.qV1IH3QJ.dpuf
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said in a press statement it had evacuated 485 vulnerable Ethiopians, including 122 women, 261 men, a child and 101 unaccompanied minors from Yemen.
The voluntary repatriations, the statement explained, was supported by the governments of Yemen, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia.
“This has followed IOM’s earlier repatriation of 4,222 Ethiopians from Yemen in an operation that was suspended in September 2015 due to lack of funding. The same operation provided post-arrival assistance to another 3,319 Ethiopians fleeing Yemen,” it said.
Other partners
The new repatriation from the Hodeidah seaport to Djibouti and on to Ethiopia by bus, targets a total of 1,212 stranded migrants.
IOM’s migrant assistance and protection operations in Yemen were also being supported by other partners such as the US State Department and the UK’s DfID.
The arrivals confirmed the desperate situation of many migrants, hence the urgency for the evacuation.
Ahmed (not his real name), a 22-year-old barber, explained that he left Ethiopia in search of a better life in Saudi Arabia.
“After paying smugglers to take us to Yemen, we were promised that we would be on our way to Saudi Arabia to make a lot of
Beaten to death
“We saw two individuals beaten to death. They were hang upside down and beaten to death; we watched them die.”
Ali (name changed), a 25-year-old khat shop owner, narrated how he was also kidnapped and held to ransom. Family members in Saudi Arabia had to pay the kidnappers a total of $2,700 (Saudi Riyals 10,000) for his release. He considers himself fortunate, given the cruelty he witnessed.
“We saw the kidnappers melt plastic on the backs of some of them. We saw one young man beaten so badly till his arm and ribs were broken and then dumped onto the streets.
Were raped
“If you don’t have the money to pay the ransom demanded, you die. We also saw many women who were raped,” he told IOM.
The migrants who either managed to escape or were released by kidnappers following ransom payments, were given refuge at IOM Yemen shelters. However, they represent a small percentage of all those in need of repatriation, according to the IOM Migration Management Programme Coordinator in Ethiopia, Ms Fumiko Nagano.
Umbrella law
“According to UNHCR and the Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat, over 92,000 migrants arrived in Yemen in 2015. Some 89 per
The Director-General of the Middle East Affairs Directorate at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Siraj Reshid, said the latest returnees from Yemen further underlined the need to strengthen the fight against human traffickers.
“The Government of Ethiopia has already ratified an umbrella law and we are working on its implementation to promote regular channels for those who seek
- See more at: http://www.zehabesha.com/hundreds-of-ethiopians-evacuated-from-war-torn-yemen/#sthash.qV1IH3QJ.dpuf
By andualem sisay
Hundreds of Ethiopian migrants have been evacuated from war torn-Yemen in the past 10 days.
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said in a press statement it had evacuated 485 vulnerable Ethiopians, including 122 women, 261 men, a child and 101 unaccompanied minors from Yemen.
The voluntary repatriations, the statement explained, was supported by the governments of Yemen, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia.
“This has followed IOM’s earlier repatriation of 4,222 Ethiopians from Yemen in an operation that was suspended in September 2015 due to lack of funding. The same operation provided post-arrival assistance to another 3,319 Ethiopians fleeing Yemen,” it said.
Other partners
The new repatriation from the Hodeidah seaport to Djibouti and on to Ethiopia by bus, targets a total of 1,212 stranded migrants.
IOM’s migrant assistance and protection operations in Yemen were also being supported by other partners such as the US State Department and the UK’s DfID.
The arrivals confirmed the desperate situation of many migrants, hence the urgency for the evacuation.

Ahmed (not his real name), a 22-year-old barber, explained that he left Ethiopia in search of a better life in Saudi Arabia.
“After paying smugglers to take us to Yemen, we were promised that we would be on our way to Saudi Arabia to make a lot ofmoney . But we were intercepted by kidnappers as soon as we got off the boat in Yemen,” he said.
Beaten to death
“We saw two individuals beaten to death. They were hang upside down and beaten to death; we watched them die.”
Ali (name changed), a 25-year-old khat shop owner, narrated how he was also kidnapped and held to ransom. Family members in Saudi Arabia had to pay the kidnappers a total of $2,700 (Saudi Riyals 10,000) for his release. He considers himself fortunate, given the cruelty he witnessed.
“We saw the kidnappers melt plastic on the backs of some of them. We saw one young man beaten so badly till his arm and ribs were broken and then dumped onto the streets.
Were raped
“If you don’t have the money to pay the ransom demanded, you die. We also saw many women who were raped,” he told IOM.
The migrants who either managed to escape or were released by kidnappers following ransom payments, were given refuge at IOM Yemen shelters. However, they represent a small percentage of all those in need of repatriation, according to the IOM Migration Management Programme Coordinator in Ethiopia, Ms Fumiko Nagano.
Umbrella law
“According to UNHCR and the Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat, over 92,000 migrants arrived in Yemen in 2015. Some 89 percent of those are believed to be Ethiopian nationals,” she said to IOM.
The Director-General of the Middle East Affairs Directorate at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Siraj Reshid, said the latest returnees from Yemen further underlined the need to strengthen the fight against human traffickers.
“The Government of Ethiopia has already ratified an umbrella law and we are working on its implementation to promote regular channels for those who seekjob opportunities abroad,” he told IOM.
- See more at: http://www.zehabesha.com/hundreds-of-ethiopians-evacuated-from-war-torn-yemen/#sthash.qV1IH3QJ.dpuf
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said in a press statement it had evacuated 485 vulnerable Ethiopians, including 122 women, 261 men, a child and 101 unaccompanied minors from Yemen.
The voluntary repatriations, the statement explained, was supported by the governments of Yemen, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia.
“This has followed IOM’s earlier repatriation of 4,222 Ethiopians from Yemen in an operation that was suspended in September 2015 due to lack of funding. The same operation provided post-arrival assistance to another 3,319 Ethiopians fleeing Yemen,” it said.
Other partners
The new repatriation from the Hodeidah seaport to Djibouti and on to Ethiopia by bus, targets a total of 1,212 stranded migrants.
IOM’s migrant assistance and protection operations in Yemen were also being supported by other partners such as the US State Department and the UK’s DfID.
The arrivals confirmed the desperate situation of many migrants, hence the urgency for the evacuation.
Ahmed (not his real name), a 22-year-old barber, explained that he left Ethiopia in search of a better life in Saudi Arabia.
“After paying smugglers to take us to Yemen, we were promised that we would be on our way to Saudi Arabia to make a lot of
Beaten to death
“We saw two individuals beaten to death. They were hang upside down and beaten to death; we watched them die.”
Ali (name changed), a 25-year-old khat shop owner, narrated how he was also kidnapped and held to ransom. Family members in Saudi Arabia had to pay the kidnappers a total of $2,700 (Saudi Riyals 10,000) for his release. He considers himself fortunate, given the cruelty he witnessed.
“We saw the kidnappers melt plastic on the backs of some of them. We saw one young man beaten so badly till his arm and ribs were broken and then dumped onto the streets.
Were raped
“If you don’t have the money to pay the ransom demanded, you die. We also saw many women who were raped,” he told IOM.
The migrants who either managed to escape or were released by kidnappers following ransom payments, were given refuge at IOM Yemen shelters. However, they represent a small percentage of all those in need of repatriation, according to the IOM Migration Management Programme Coordinator in Ethiopia, Ms Fumiko Nagano.
Umbrella law
“According to UNHCR and the Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat, over 92,000 migrants arrived in Yemen in 2015. Some 89 per
The Director-General of the Middle East Affairs Directorate at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Siraj Reshid, said the latest returnees from Yemen further underlined the need to strengthen the fight against human traffickers.
“The Government of Ethiopia has already ratified an umbrella law and we are working on its implementation to promote regular channels for those who seek
- See more at: http://www.zehabesha.com/hundreds-of-ethiopians-evacuated-from-war-torn-yemen/#sthash.qV1IH3QJ.dpuf
By andualem sisay
Hundreds of Ethiopian migrants have been evacuated from war torn-Yemen in the past 10 days.
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said in a press statement it had evacuated 485 vulnerable Ethiopians, including 122 women, 261 men, a child and 101 unaccompanied minors from Yemen.
The voluntary repatriations, the statement explained, was supported by the governments of Yemen, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia.
“This has followed IOM’s earlier repatriation of 4,222 Ethiopians from Yemen in an operation that was suspended in September 2015 due to lack of funding. The same operation provided post-arrival assistance to another 3,319 Ethiopians fleeing Yemen,” it said.
Other partners
The new repatriation from the Hodeidah seaport to Djibouti and on to Ethiopia by bus, targets a total of 1,212 stranded migrants.
IOM’s migrant assistance and protection operations in Yemen were also being supported by other partners such as the US State Department and the UK’s DfID.
The arrivals confirmed the desperate situation of many migrants, hence the urgency for the evacuation.

Ahmed (not his real name), a 22-year-old barber, explained that he left Ethiopia in search of a better life in Saudi Arabia.
“After paying smugglers to take us to Yemen, we were promised that we would be on our way to Saudi Arabia to make a lot ofmoney . But we were intercepted by kidnappers as soon as we got off the boat in Yemen,” he said.
Beaten to death
“We saw two individuals beaten to death. They were hang upside down and beaten to death; we watched them die.”
Ali (name changed), a 25-year-old khat shop owner, narrated how he was also kidnapped and held to ransom. Family members in Saudi Arabia had to pay the kidnappers a total of $2,700 (Saudi Riyals 10,000) for his release. He considers himself fortunate, given the cruelty he witnessed.
“We saw the kidnappers melt plastic on the backs of some of them. We saw one young man beaten so badly till his arm and ribs were broken and then dumped onto the streets.
Were raped
“If you don’t have the money to pay the ransom demanded, you die. We also saw many women who were raped,” he told IOM.
The migrants who either managed to escape or were released by kidnappers following ransom payments, were given refuge at IOM Yemen shelters. However, they represent a small percentage of all those in need of repatriation, according to the IOM Migration Management Programme Coordinator in Ethiopia, Ms Fumiko Nagano.
Umbrella law
“According to UNHCR and the Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat, over 92,000 migrants arrived in Yemen in 2015. Some 89 percent of those are believed to be Ethiopian nationals,” she said to IOM.
The Director-General of the Middle East Affairs Directorate at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Siraj Reshid, said the latest returnees from Yemen further underlined the need to strengthen the fight against human traffickers.
“The Government of Ethiopia has already ratified an umbrella law and we are working on its implementation to promote regular channels for those who seekjob opportunities abroad,” he told IOM.
- See more at: http://www.zehabesha.com/hundreds-of-ethiopians-evacuated-from-war-torn-yemen/#sthash.qV1IH3QJ.dpuf
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said in a press statement it had evacuated 485 vulnerable Ethiopians, including 122 women, 261 men, a child and 101 unaccompanied minors from Yemen.
The voluntary repatriations, the statement explained, was supported by the governments of Yemen, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia.
“This has followed IOM’s earlier repatriation of 4,222 Ethiopians from Yemen in an operation that was suspended in September 2015 due to lack of funding. The same operation provided post-arrival assistance to another 3,319 Ethiopians fleeing Yemen,” it said.
Other partners
The new repatriation from the Hodeidah seaport to Djibouti and on to Ethiopia by bus, targets a total of 1,212 stranded migrants.
IOM’s migrant assistance and protection operations in Yemen were also being supported by other partners such as the US State Department and the UK’s DfID.
The arrivals confirmed the desperate situation of many migrants, hence the urgency for the evacuation.
Ahmed (not his real name), a 22-year-old barber, explained that he left Ethiopia in search of a better life in Saudi Arabia.
“After paying smugglers to take us to Yemen, we were promised that we would be on our way to Saudi Arabia to make a lot of
Beaten to death
“We saw two individuals beaten to death. They were hang upside down and beaten to death; we watched them die.”
Ali (name changed), a 25-year-old khat shop owner, narrated how he was also kidnapped and held to ransom. Family members in Saudi Arabia had to pay the kidnappers a total of $2,700 (Saudi Riyals 10,000) for his release. He considers himself fortunate, given the cruelty he witnessed.
“We saw the kidnappers melt plastic on the backs of some of them. We saw one young man beaten so badly till his arm and ribs were broken and then dumped onto the streets.
Were raped
“If you don’t have the money to pay the ransom demanded, you die. We also saw many women who were raped,” he told IOM.
The migrants who either managed to escape or were released by kidnappers following ransom payments, were given refuge at IOM Yemen shelters. However, they represent a small percentage of all those in need of repatriation, according to the IOM Migration Management Programme Coordinator in Ethiopia, Ms Fumiko Nagano.
Umbrella law
“According to UNHCR and the Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat, over 92,000 migrants arrived in Yemen in 2015. Some 89 per
The Director-General of the Middle East Affairs Directorate at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Siraj Reshid, said the latest returnees from Yemen further underlined the need to strengthen the fight against human traffickers.
“The Government of Ethiopia has already ratified an umbrella law and we are working on its implementation to promote regular channels for those who seek
- See more at: http://www.zehabesha.com/hundreds-of-ethiopians-evacuated-from-war-torn-yemen/#sthash.qV1IH3QJ.dpuf
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